Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Dave idents production

For this media coursework we had to create a Dave ident for the channel which would be 30 seconds long and stick to the original Dave idents and costume for these we had to wear costumes that suited the idents. Such as the 'wakky' looking ident colours the people wear and so we matched this by making the colours bright and also by one of us wearing golf trousers that were loud with bright colours.

WWW: I think that the ident went well because it seemed to match the idents personality and also we made sure that the timings were correct and no more then 30 seconds for the ident.

WWW: Also we introduced the Channel and the name of the ident like in the originals we looked at in our research.

WWW:We got the filming done to the time frame and also filmed with no assistance,

EBI: When we were filming we were lock out of the school this prevented us from editing in time and also making any corrections that my have been nesercery

EBI: Also when we first went to film the football and cricket bat that was required had not been retrieved and so we had to wait for 5 mins waiting for them although this didnt affect us on the time frame it lacked the coordintion of a professional team

EBI: I think that the colours of the costumes worked a small adjustment was md and so we all wore rain coats of different colours and these however turned out to be an advantage.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Joshua Churchill Push a little button

I am pleased with this work because i had never edited a video to music from a particular film and so it was tricky to take all the shots and put them in a video that ran smooth and calm with the music.

Although it was difficult i learned an awful lot from this work.

Joshua Churchill Autumn

I enjoyed this very much because i learned to use multiple controls at once for instance the extracting a video from youtube and then extracting the music from that youtube video. Also i learned that you can use a computer imovie program to put the film in slow motion to create effect.

Joshua Churchill Animation

I learned a lot from doing this animation because i learned how to use the still cameras to create a moving image easily and had a lot of fun during the process.

I enjoyed it because i never used a camera in this way before.

Friday, 4 November 2011

WWW and EBI of look magizine

Our group

- Good speed
- Photos were of a decent quality
- Fitted in with the music

-All the photos were the correct way round
-If the photos were able to be seen correctly

It fits the old mood of the original advert becuase the music and speed as well as the variety of photos were like those seen in the original advert.

The other groups

- Had a variety of shots
- Various angles of photo shots
- Some photos of the advert were similar to the original adverts
- Had a title at end saying 'new look' 'only £1' like ours maybe
- some photos were to long
- some photos the sun is making the image hard to see

It captures the original advert well because they edited to the music like in the original advert. However, there was no magazines at the ending as in the original.